SCLRR is recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our Taxpayer ID Number is 33-0788621.
We are completely dependent on donations. Since we have no paid staff, all contributions are put toward caring for the dogs. We appreciate all donations, both large and small!
IMPORTANT – PLEASE READ FIRST before clicking on the Yellow Lab below to make a donation online:
Donating Online
When you click on the Yellow Lab below, you will be taken to Givebutter—our online donation processor. Please follow the instructions on the page. Once your donation has been submitted a thank you/tax receipt acknowledging your donation will be emailed to you.
If your donation is in honor or memory, or perhaps is a contribution in lieu of a gift, you will be given an opportunity to provide a note about your donation and the opportunity to add your recipient’s name and email address and an acknowledgement email will be sent.
Donations by Check
If you contribute by check, please be aware that since donations are processed by volunteers, it may take up to 30 days before your check is deposited. At Christmas/New Year’s Holiday time, it can take up to 45 days for your check to be deposited—but rest assured that your tax receipt will show the year your check was written regardless of when it is deposited. Checks may be sent to our mailing address:
SCLRR/Lab Rescue
24325 Crenshaw Blvd #137
Torrance, CA 90505
You will be sent a thank you/tax receipt card in the mail acknowledging your donation; receipts for Christmas/New Year’s Holiday time donations are mailed out by the end of February.
If your donation is in honor, memory, or gift be sure to provide the person’s or family’s name and mailing address of anyone to whom you’d like an acknowledgement sent, and any details you would like included on the acknowledgement card.