


Taken in: 2024-05-09

More detail:
Hi! My name is Chrissy and I am a 1 yr old petite and super sweet chocolate lab. All of us rescue dogs have a story, but me, I have THE STORY!!!

I was rescued from a crowded breeding situation where I had to compete for food and attention with 50 other dogs. The day I was rescued I was paralyzed with fear- I wouldn't move or open my eyes, then one of the nice rescue ladies picked me up and carried me. And I am super lucky that I was one of the dogs that was picked that day, and here's why....

SCLRR took me to get spayed-but when the vet listened to my heart, she heard a really loud heart murmur and said it wasn't safe for me to have surgery. So off to the Cardiologist I went. Long story-but I eventually wound up in the Cath lab ( like hoomans) and they fixed my heart! (If you want the fancy words, I had a pulmonary valvuloplasty for severe pulmonary stenosis that I was born with).They said I would have died without the surgery!

So things look better now- the nice vet says I have to take a pill twice a day for the rest of my life to keep my heart from beating too fast (atenolol, inexpensive and I have a years supply ). I am also supposed to have movies of my heart once a year (echocardiogram)

When I first came to my foster home, all I wanted to do was hide in the corner behind furniture.The outside world was a very scary place. I was afraid of everything and everyone, I had to be picked up and carried from one room to another. Good thing I only weigh 42 lbs. I very, very slowly started to explore, play a little ball, and get in the car on my own. After I had my heart fixed, I really started to play with other dogs more and run around more. My foster Mom thinks that I feel a lot better now. I did finally get spayed, and that hardly slowed me down at all!

My favorite things to do are get lots of love and pets, go on walks, and play. I am especially fond of tug-o-war. I am still young and learning, so sometimes I chew things that I am not supposed to- but I'm learning to chew my toys, it's really fun to make the stuffy ones explode!!. I am really good at sit, come and get down. My stay is slowly getting better. I am working on my leash manners and I am housetrained. I have stayed in a house with a cat a few times, they told me I could live with a dog-savvy cat. I can use a dog door like a pro, and jump in and out of the car easily.

I have a wish list for my forever home. I want lots of love and pets, along with some patience. I will be scared by a new place for a bit and still have things to learn. I HAVE to have a crate. It's my safe place to go to when I am unsure of things. I would really love a furry confident big brother or sister to show me how to be a good dog! And of course I would like my hoomans to be home most of the time. Little kids and sudden movements would probably scare me.

So-if you think you are ready for a little bundle of chocolate sweetness and joy in your family, please contact your family rep.


If you are interested in making this Lab part of your family, please contact your SCLRR family representative. If you have not yet applied with us, please submit an online application to adopt; an SCLRR volunteer will then contact you. Please note that your homecheck must be approved in order for you to be put in touch with the dog's foster home.